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Sachs | 21:06 Wed 24th Sep 2008 | ChatterBank
4 Answers
For those of you living together. Is your style in decorating/ furnishing your house the complete opp. of your partner? Do you amicably come to agree or do you row about it?


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We never row about stuff like that, in fact we hardly ever row at all, the reason being she's got impeccable taste (look who she married) when it comes to decorating.
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lol! See, I think I'm the one with taste in our household. I like to change things and keep things fresh. We don't row either, but his taste and my taste are completely different!
Since I keep a super-clean house ;), I rarely see the need for decorating and hate the upheaval.

I sympathise with your OH. My son painted the back door recently and I had to (try) sleep with it constantly open while it dried.....see what I mean?
I'm always arguing with my cats about furniture and decor. They're always scratching at my leather sofas in disgust!


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