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NORTHERN74 | 13:45 Wed 02nd Mar 2005 | Animals & Nature
3 Answers

When do tortoises come out of hibernation??  Thanks



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in the uk (south) sometime around april, certainly not until it is much warmer than it is now
woofgang is quite right - not nearly warm enough yet.  Also, when they do start stirring, you may still need to give them good shelter at night.  And if they appear and then you get a cold snap, they will want to doze off again (though not as deeply as before - either physically or mentally!).  When ours reappears, he needs his eyes bathing gently with warm water and often doesn't start eating for a week or two.  Mind you, he refuses to go into a box and insists on burying himself in the garden - has done for the last 20 years!
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Thanks but i don't actually own a tortoise, i'm petrified of them & my neighbour has a rather large South American one & i wanted to know so i don't look out of the window & see him by surprise.  Thanks

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