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monkeywiener | 22:03 Sat 27th Sep 2008 | ChatterBank
15 Answers
do you hate yourself? do people in general hate you? do you have NOBODY to turn to? or are you just joking?


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...............and don't start all this nonsense again, please.
Na I just genrally hate twonks on here
Question Author
oh struck a nerve have i monkey. sorry monkey i just dont like you mocking me. how could anyone?

cant you grow up?

cant you be nice?

cant you be the man your mum wanted?

most of all........ cant you be the hero like what i dreamed of?
I hate him, hate hate HATE, a bit anyway.
And theres one above me
Question Author
how can you hate your self? me thinks you have many a scars upon your arms
Sorted nice timing whiffy annit
Well, you just make it so easy.....
I don't just mock anyone, you know

I have......
I am....
I am....
I most surely am..........
have u been drinking again???

go to sleep!!
Oh for gods sake wiffy please stop talking to yourself again you sad old t@sser
Question Author
hey im not that old..... I just look very old. Like a grandad. Like a fossil brought back to life with defossilisation
Oh the lovable Cockernee has turned up!!! Get a few more down your gullet nonuts, then you can really let rip.
note to knobby

I am not Whiff(e)y..........when you sober up, please try to remember this fact.
Question Author
lol monkey. you are very funny sometimes. Its very original when people cant think what to say so they insinuate ppl are drunk. nice one. your a true sport
The only person I would ever accuse of being drunk at any given point in time is can pretty much guarantee that by this time on a Saturday night he is well on his way...............he went to Asdas today to stock up...........

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