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monkeywiener | 23:00 Sat 27th Sep 2008 | ChatterBank
18 Answers
dont u know me? we spoke on the phone once. we used to be friends


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Well tel me more then
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was speaking to leg earlier. Maybe we will meet next year!
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not confirmed for me but thinking about it seriously!
Dont think so sausuge boy lambert do you really think that I am as thick as you
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speak to leg dude
Yes..............monkeywiener is 4GS and I have the proof !
Question Author
thats just what whiffey would say. strange huh?
And he is also W(h)iff(e)y, too...............I also have the proof for that, naturally..........
can all u monkeys go back to the zoo ?
Aw sorry gravy I should have knowned it was you but I thought it was army sausauge boy trying to pull the wool again by pretending to be you.

My god there is to much bluffing and double bluffing on here to get your head around.

And gravy I think that I remember that you said you lost you phone but I suppose that was bull but I have texted you a few times in the last few years and you aint replied soo can you give me your new number or confirm that you still have the number you fkin twartt
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no knob i had my phone knicked. my new no is:


send us a text then i got urs mate :)
ur all mad putting your phone numbers on here ...
Na sounds a bit dodgy to me I will have to get leg to confirmw it Wonni
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y? no one ever calls.......
Cheer uo sleepy and go with the flow I have put pics on here of me and I aint mad???????
Question Author
knob i rang you once and you hung up (this is after small handed friek posted my number as a user name and you text me)
then we had a brief chat.

its me

its gravy

u dont need to check. its a hong kong number as im here for a year working on a power station. YOU KNOW ITS ME!
well good for u knob ! i would not want my
number on here to many nutters .

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