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Village Vicar

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gelda | 09:28 Mon 29th Sep 2008 | ChatterBank
71 Answers
I wonder what has happened to Father Bill, I used to find his posts very inspiring and helpful.


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Lol, yes i did mean bigmamma Gelda. i know, I know, im a cynical bag, but when she first joined she was just so damn nice and I was like "oh c'mon, no one's that nice all the time are they?"

Now before I get hounded from the site, I HAVE stated that I've since swallowed my cynisim (sp?) regarding BM. She genuinely is that nice and I adore her like everyone else.

Still think she takes a happy pill each morning though ;-)
Well ask her to send yer some B00!!!!!

Only joking lass - love ya just the way you are!
Lol BOO , hee , .....just popping into town , see how many people I can trp up with my stick :-D
Haha, yeah Mrs C, think I could do with some!
Oooops , dropped an i ....trip*
oh eck, caught gossiping by the person i'm gossiping about :-(

The walls have ears BOO lol
Yes, I miss him too. Does anyone here have his email address, so that we could email him, and tell him we want him back.

What has happened to Whiskeysheri as well; I have not seen her here for ages either?
A lot of folks have dissappeared recently. I hardly use the site now.
When you say "we" johnny boy....are you including us all here?

Whilst I dont have anything personal here againt V V, I'm not bothered either way whether he comes back or not. The site fuctioned very well before he came and it's been fuctioning very well without him too. To say we "all miss him" is a bit OTT isn't it?
Yeah, you're quite right BOO. In fact (although I'm not on here much at all these days), I'd forgotten all about him until I noticed this thread earlier! ;o}

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