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Got a confession...

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lankeela | 22:10 Sat 11th Oct 2008 | Film, Media & TV
7 Answers
Despite all I have ever said about it in the past, on Friday I was at a friend's house and Deal or No Deal was on. I had to leave just before the end, and missed the final round.
Been wondering ever since what did that young lad end up with, I thought he looked such a nerd crying when he decided to play on. How much had he turned down?


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He dealt at 8,000 .He had �500 in his box
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Thank you, I shall be able to sleep tonight. I promise not to let myself by lead astray again.
ohh - I was hoping for some juicy goss there!!! Shame!!
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Sad to say, that's about as juicy as my life gets these days.
to be completely honest - coming on here and searching for other peoples gossip is as exciting as MY life gets!!! lol
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Gimme five!
Me too unfortunately !!

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