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firewatch | 11:31 Sun 19th Oct 2008 | ChatterBank
7 Answers
all went ok last night, well i think it did, we had a house guest for the first time and yeah i think it went ok. Hubby and co appreciated the food i cooked for them and even more so the bacon and egg sarnis this morning.
Now i can concentrate on getting better, just want to go back to bed but i possibly have someone popping round in a bit. how come when you are ill the world and his wife want to visit????


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Oh , I hope you'll feel better soon . At least you have the satisfaction that they ate up and enjoyed what you cooked for them . I cooked last evening and it ended up in the bin:-(
Aaw, sorry to hear you're poorly firewatch.
And you as well BM? Dear me, what's going on? :-(
Hi Bathsheba sweetie , I'm fine , I ate mine , but my son and his gf were here for dinner and were hungry but then were both sick when they sat at the table , they must have got that bug I had the other day , so they both left the table and it was their food that went in the bin. It was nice food ...honest .
Sounds lovely :) Hope you're feeling better soon!

Am having a lazy morning watching the Hollyoaks omnibus trying to persuade the cat that my breakfast is mine, not ours lol.

Got a driving lesson later so looking forward to that.
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aw im sorry to hear that BM, i cooked them stew last night, nicley spiced to warm them after there long ride from oxford and some banana bread.
i am still waiting to hear from this other person, i need to pop out to get some pasta sauce in minute, i cannot be bothered to cook one from scratch!!
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i forgot to say im almost in tears! i was chating to hubby and mate about a possible dartmoor trip, and that we should stop and pay respects to kitty jay, just read her story omg!!How bloody tragic!!
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