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away for ...........

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legendis.god | 13:57 Wed 22nd Oct 2008 | ChatterBank
6 Answers
Yes im away for ...............I will be back .......... and hope to see all the usual characters on here.

So dont ...... too much or ........ and .....................i will be back.

THis thread precensored by the remote editing facility

did ?�?


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Well thats just bl00dy typical!

I pop on to say hello to my favourite Legend and you have gone!!

Hey ho!

Bb xx
-- answer removed --
sixth gap : you think I would
left yourself wide open there leggy! haha
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Lol i can take it

being the messsiah im use to torture and torment

i see dots stilllll on .

nothing better to do today someone once asked on here ?

i have done loads of work today actually, ever heard of the concept of multi tasking? Oh no hang on, you will have heard of it, it's the art of it you will struggle with

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away for ...........

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