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Good film or TV clips on psychiatrists, counsellors etc

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PFHall | 17:58 Wed 12th Nov 2008 | Film, Media & TV
4 Answers
I need to show how to or how not to listen to people. Anyone know any good bits from TV or film?


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The Fawlty Towers with Mrs Richards (the deaf woman) has lots of examples of how to not listen to people.

She refuses to wear her hearing aid and does not always hear what people are saying to her.

Also maybe "12 Angry Men", the film with the 12 men trying to decide if the boy is guilty or not.

Cannot remember exact scenes, but I know they all want to find the boy guilty quickly so they can get home and Henry Fonda has to try to convince them the boy may not be guilty, but nobody will listen to him.

I do remember one scene were a quiet old man tries to make a point but the noiser ones in the room shout him down and refuse to listen to him.
In fact thinking about it, Fawlty Towers has a lot of good examples of "not listening".

Basil and his wife talk to each other but rarely listen to each other.

Other scenes cause confusion with people "not listening"

In fact one of the episodes is called Communication Problems (the one with Mrs Richards)
What about the one in "Some Mothers do ave em", after seeing he Frank, needed a shrink himself! Classic!

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Good film or TV clips on psychiatrists, counsellors etc

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