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Have you had it yet and was it good?

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legendis.god | 21:12 Sun 23rd Nov 2008 | ChatterBank
14 Answers


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my supper? yes thanks it was superb! to watch Top Gear
Catch you later
yes, was a bit spicy, washed it down wi some Irn Bru
do you mean umm... 'it'

as in.... i don't know how to say this... ;)
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oh! food!
oh... yeah...
I meant that too.... ;)

whoa. that's deep dude.

yes I have. All week and it was bl*oody horrible

Sniff achoo cough shiver etc
there's a wide variety of subjects here! :)
not yet and Im thinking it will be good
Question Author
Welll thats nice folks

im touched

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He's very deep with his emotions and a dude is a guy. That will be 12 pounds please. :)
Have you had it yet and was it good?

a sign from above?
crunchynut cornflakes?

i started it earlier and have just this second finished it off

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Have you had it yet and was it good?

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