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May I be.....

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christine847 | 01:00 Sat 06th Dec 2008 | ChatterBank
13 Answers
the first person to wish Leggy a Happy Birthday.......xx


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I'll be 2nd.

happy birthday x
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nk.. Paulie Weller on BBC2 in 15 mins!
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I thought it was the 7th christine. But heyho - let him make a weekend of it...

Happy Birthday leg! X
Lol-I will join in also.....and there will be more to follow at this rate.
Happy Birthday Leggy...xx
Have a lovely day on Tener Grief, Blubberboy.
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Happy happy birthday Leg -mwah xxxxxxxxxx

Thought you were 50 tho sly ole fox :)
Dris your so funnilly fake and drunk lol
Happy bday to a Sagiterian!

Is the following true we wonder:

One of the most happy and generous signs in the zodiac, Sagittarians are also generally restless, rebellious, and extravagant with their pleasures in life. You are one of life's great talkers but don't forget to listen too. You love physical exercise and like to take risks in life. If you don't take exercise you may find that you become restless and moody very easily. You enjoy your independence and freedom so if your partner is too jealous or over-possessive, it'll drive you away. With your sense of adventure you love to travel to meet new people, see new places or try new things. Or perhaps you like to try all the lovely food from all over the world. You like the unknown, finding new experiences and places to visit and activities to do and find it easy to come up with solutions to problems, as you love a challenge. You can be very optimistic as you consider yourself lucky. Well you are really as you can see the best in most situations ignoring any problems that come along. Make sure that that you don't jump to conclusions before you are aware of the situation or you may get it wrong though. You do sometimes take some of those risks without considering the consequences too deeply. Remember to pack the parachute if you do jump out a plane. In love you need a lively and inventive sex life or may get bored but you also need a partner that is mentally compatible.

Thanks chrissy

but its sunday the 7th


so same time same place

thanks to all the replies

evedawn very impressive and to all my other fans

much thankingness from me to youse

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