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Leggys , " My kind of people " thread.

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legendis.god | 15:37 Sat 13th Dec 2008 | ChatterBank
15 Answers
Are you one of " my kind of people " ?

Or do you consider them to be lowly types and yourself to be of better character than them?

Please list any pluses and minuses for being one of
" my kind of people".

If you dont mind of course.



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Hello legend
I am very much my own person!
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Question Author
Goin for a jaunt knobby?


D TH ?�
well im kind and i am a peoples person....well if i like them that is.. ;)
are you likening yourselv too Michael Barrymore?!! Hmm sorta makes sense hahaha! As for your question, i'm certainly not one of your kind, 0)
what are the characteristics of being "my kind of people"?
Question Author
Well surely thats not for me to say but you to decide?

without knowing what "my kind of people" defines its difficult to assume. who is the "my" in the question?

define lowly types?
Question Author
Welll thats subject to circumstances and hence definition is complicated online.

D T H?�?
ahh, so given that definition is complicated you shouldnt expect many replies ;D
Question Author
I expect many many replies .

But i am prepared to be disappointed.

D T H?�
im not your kinda person because im not a gimp
Id be very surprised if I was.

Ummmmm..... not really thought about it. Im not sure who your people are anymore.

a plus, maybe your kind of people get free board on a lovely island for a couple of weeks a year.
a minus, you ask me about my knickers when im semi in favour.
So what sort of person are you ??
I think a tad sad ..and unhappy ..

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Leggys , " My kind of people " thread.

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