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At my advanced state of life,you have to grab the breast etc when you can get it!
Oh no - not Imhotep!!!

You naughty man, you! Three whacks for that!
Question Author
hi pinky

just saw u theree lol
Calm down Ice!
Surely you didn't think of what you thought I was really thinking of.

I meant real cream,you know,dairy cream from the fridge.

lol @ imo
Of course not Imhotep - I was thinking - I bet he's thinking i'll be thinking of something other than how very fattening all that cream'd be!

Mr V - there's no stopping you!!
Question Author
helllooooooo pinky

ya wee leperr eee porn
Will you take back what you said earlier on Ice.

My botty is quite sore after those three whacks you gave me!!
Oooof,ouch I can't seem to sit down very well.
I surrender Ice.
♪♫The female of the species is more deadlier than the male♪♫
Don't worry Imhotep - with all that extra poundage on your backside, you never felt a thing! : )
To be honest with you, I don't have a poundage sized backside.
I have had a few sexy remarks from girls who have looked at my rear end.Ahem!!
feeling a bit blushed in the face
I remember when I HAD a botty!"
Now where did I put it? it under the bed Mr V? Oh - sorry - I thought you said "potty". Lol. x

Ah - you might now NOW, Imhotep - but after loads of cream and other delicacies......
-- answer removed --
That is the trouble Ice M,
The potty and my botty are pretty well inseperable now!
Don't worry too much Ice.
I always watch how much I eat.
You should see how much food one of my young nephews wolfs down.Whenever I go with him to the cinema,he always buys himself a big carton of popcorn,and he wolfs down every single popcorn.
Gaaagh,I can't stand the stuff myself.He's putting on a bit of weight too.I could never eat as much as he does.
imhotep.....I got a nephew like that, greedy tike! Learned not to go to cinema with him as he farts throughout...yuk!
Night night Imhotep - think i over-posted...... xx

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