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Good Morning

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stompe | 07:11 Tue 06th Jan 2009 | ChatterBank
40 Answers
Good Morning all hope you have a great day!and the Editor gets this site sorted!!


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Morning stompe , a very cold minus 5 here , brrrrrr :-)
Morning johnny , sara , tickledtrout beejay, hau kola , bensmum , sally , jayne , Chuck , hippyhoppy , evedawn , jen , and lil , my tumble dryer is supposed to be being delivered sometime today :-)
Morning funnygirl , and 4get , hope your headache goes soon funnygirl :-)
Morning Lakitu , are you well today honey ?
I see you're out of the dungeon bensmum :-)
Awww sara , I'm surprised you haven't had an offer yet ......beejay ?
Well, I'm quite miffed you failed to notice me sitting between Jayne and Chuck. I'd almost forgiven you for yesterday's swanning about at home too.

Sorry Lakitu hun , didn't miss you on purpose bless you , my comp screen is darting up and down and I missed you .
I put a question in tech section about the jumping screen but didn't get any help so it still does it at times :-(
OK, since your screen is darting and your my GTS partner, I'll forgive you ;o) xx
Am I forgiven ? ....sniff
i thot stompe had offered BM-i will not leave sara un-massaged tho-
thanks for recommending me BM
:-) xxx
Morning all!

got to dash, I have to defrost my car, then off into town.

catch you all later.
Have fun y'
Thanks Mamma!

Hope you're ok?!
Morning stompe and everyone else.
I am off work today and the snow situation has cleared abit, so off shopping and paperwork to catch up on today.

cab x
thank you for your kind words.

I have to go to work now, so if you could all warm your hands up I'll be back later.

can't wait ;o)
Morning daniela , and cab , fine thank you funnygirl :-)
The delivery man just rang me and said he's got my delivery today and should be here late morning , so that sounds promising :-D
morning all

Mamma - Happy New Tumble Dryer lol

Im off into town for a wee bit
morning bigmamma x
Good morning everyone. It was minus 9.5 here this morning so defrosting the car was tough on the hands.

Sara, hope your back feels better soon, you dont need anything that will cramp your style;-)

Sally, hope the kids are better soon. I dont envy you being vomit mummy euw.
Thank you weeal , morning honey :-)
waves at cab
Morning Rosetta , wow that is cold !
Waves back at bigmamma x

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