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legendis.god | 03:56 Sat 10th Jan 2009 | ChatterBank
9 Answers
Well put barbiebow in its place and now im off to sleeep







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spar chicken

tho i got a cold and im usin 2 or 3 a day

spar here i comeeeeeeeeeeeee

I've said night night to you all on pasta's thread. Going myself now. Sweet dreams everyone, xxx
Nite hun,......sleep well and take care xxxx
What a clever little man you are.
I will send over a pot of REAL soup for you lot.......NITE !!!!
Well; it's -17 and I just trunched home through the snow laden field crisping and crunching through the moonlit virgin snow and suddenly thought that it's probably warmer in Croyden.......Shall I move there in a hurry....sort of?
what place legend you could not put anyone in a place cause you havnt got the memory to be a good liar.
haysi06 thanks hun maybe now legend will leave me alone.

Sat 10/01/09
10:18 God who needs a paper when you can read all this pish of a morning!

Apologies to babybow - the diddy will never believe that you are not me, he's obsessed with me and it's kinda creepy eww.

He knows absolutely nothing about me , he clutches at straws and makes things up because he has not got anything else in his sad pathetic lonely life which is his own doing. s/giantstraw1-700859.jpg

If I want to slag him off I use my own username but as ever he nor his groupie can't seem to grasp that. But wire in babybow and whoever else who wants to wind him up as it gives him something to do....all day....every day....into the wee small hours of the morning.....alone....sad *******.

With regards to your comment re the party being finished by 12, she had her daughter with her you saddo.

And as you are reaching for the phone.. don't bother going greeting to "you know who" as she really isn't interested in your obsession with me. FACT.

Carry on posting your cr@p all you like ya big diddy as it keeps you off the streets away from real people RESULT!!"

*rolls eyes*

Sat 10/01/09
10:22 Question Author

P1ss of off my thread weirdo

Sat 10/01/09
10:26 knobby - oh that cut me to the bone- yeah right.

I see the crap that you post at babybow as well, you should be ashamed of yourself. Grown men acting like schoolyard bullies.

Don't worry I won't be back on your tacky little threads again. I have a life - unlike you and your bumchum.

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