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Well Survived Tonight!

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stompe | 02:31 Sun 18th Jan 2009 | ChatterBank
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"you fuking pervert whiffey "

More Great Stuff from everybody's friend, the lovable Cockerney, but unfortunately tonight a drunken foul-mouthed oaf.
Hey Knobbs, you can't compare whiffey flinging insults at lippy, with you poking fun at his dead mum. Come on lad, don't do it - it's cruel and uncalled for.


I never insulted lippy Mrs C. I suggested that knobby might have farted in bed and been booted downstairs and then taken the whole thing out on the AB community. If you fart in bed, you have to take the consequences, unless you sleep alone in which case you can stick your nose under the duvet and enjoy it.
Whiffey, I'm gonna be honest with ya - I thought you chose your username because you fart a lot.

Was I wrong?
Mrs C, I probably fart more than average, but then tonight I just had King Prawn Phall and garlic rice. There wasn't much rice in the garlic rice, and I already feel the bubblings, but heyho, I can fart for England when I get upstairs.
Hey whiffs, do you make your own curries, or do you get 'em from the takeaway?

I like the sound of the one you had last night.

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