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People lying

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legendis.god | 11:54 Wed 21st Jan 2009 | ChatterBank
49 Answers
Just heard on rado theer been a survey done in which three quarters of people who say theyve read the classics and shakespere etc are actually lying.
Theyve read bits and quote snipppets tho.

Do you think thats an accurate figure ?


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lots of mirth and merriment at Octavius
if he said me..I would have melted !!
I don't trust spellcheck. My work manager had a quite unusual name and my spellcheck kept trying to call him Vermin ***** - this led to a couple of embarrassing situations............
oops I've been edited for a spellcheck error!!
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Octavius im taken aback.
Well cazzz if seeing/hearing Bruce deliver his lines in iambic pentameter it�s just as well you (probably) didn�t watch Moonlighting and in particular the episode Atomic Shakespeare then!

It was actually very good �.if you can watch it and survive the meltdown that is. No string vests though.
Leg, I never knew you were that way inclined.
Well other than the obligatory Shakespear they make you read/study for your school exams I've never read either Shakespear or Dickens, and I'm willing to bet the number of other classics i have read can be counted on the fingers of one hand.
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Octavius that merely goes to show you really dont know me.
But im glad to have opened your eyes , if even only enough to squint in my direction.

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