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ab app. soc

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christine847 | 15:21 Wed 21st Jan 2009 | ChatterBank
6 Answers
trying to find the above on facebook keep getting ab fab soc,....what am i doing wrong?


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I don't think anyone uses that anymore. Search for Chatterbankers Of The World United.

If you can't find it on a search, there's a link in the 'Facebook' thread below courtesy of Boo :o)
Go onto one of your friends file, who you know is in this group. Me for instance, have a look at my profile, scroll down to 'groups' then click on chatterbankers of the world unite.
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thanks both of you x
Actually Lak, I gave the link for AB Appreciation, i'm no longer a member of CBTWU.

And AB Appreciation is still alive and kicking ;-)
Oh - I want to be a member of the Ab Fab Society. I'm always getting mistaken for Patsy... ;-) Short skirt, beehive, fag and a posh voice.. "Pass that Bolly or Stoli dahling ....... hic"
Oh sorry! hahaha! I assumed it was for the CBOTWU. Access is blocked on work servers if I dare to try and enter FB, so it was a bad guess.

AB App is still alive and kicking? Well I never!

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