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Is this chap really playing a musical instrument?

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logic | 11:07 Mon 26th Jan 2009 | ChatterBank
7 Answers
If so,
What would the instrument be,
And no It's not a horn. :0)


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Alzheimers kicking in eh Berk!

And what the hell is THAT??!!!!
Question Author
I knew you'd never seen one.

That is no musical instrument!

And Logic you gotta stop looking at that porn!!!!!

Question Author
That is not porn,

It is art.
I must admit it DOES look rather rude,but going by the lady on the right (who is playing a hrtp) I think he WAS playing a harp too It looks like t the top part got broken off,making it seem as if he is playing with something else! LOL

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Is this chap really playing a musical instrument?

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