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logic | 20:22 Tue 27th Jan 2009 | ChatterBank
35 Answers
Highlight just one post, in order to copy it,
Every time I try it highlights the whole page,

Ok I know I'm thick,



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ok logic - - IE and Firefox work diffeently.

In IE simply place your cursor on ANY letter of the paragraph you want to copy then left click THREE times. It will highlight the whole paragraph. Then go to edit at the op of the page and click on copy. Paste the paragraph wherever you wish to keep it.
drag your mouse cursor over the block of text text you want and copy it .
I can do must be ESN :-)
ok A.Guest's description is actually the easiest, even a baby could do it
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Thanx A,GUEST that works atreat
I knew that lot were winding me up,

But my day will come.
And as for you Leggy, I shoulda known better.
aww Logic we werent winding you up, youre just like clockwork, you do it yersel
logic - no one was winding you up. The other method works in firefox - but as I said, IE is different.

Now where's me stars!!!
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and I'm not going to ask what ESN is.
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HereA.GUEST have a pint of stella.


water for-tuther lot.
Ooii, I wasn't winding you up logic! It works both ways for me, so assumed it would for you, but that you couldn't get the hang of it. ;o}
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Ha Ha must be sommat different,
I do have firefox on one of my other hard drives,
And koquerer on another, i'll give them a try when I switch over,
Well aren't we even worth a shandy? lol
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yeah OK

thanx everybody.

-- answer removed --
Leggy can be black adder. No need to guess who's Baldrick.

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