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so now what ?

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logic | 16:17 Wed 28th Jan 2009 | ChatterBank
8 Answers
any Ideas,?


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What would you like to talk about logic?
The demise of Brookside?
I need some ideas for me dinner tonight!!!!
Hi funny, what have you got in ytour cupboards then?

Nowt at all.

Well let me think, I know I got a coupla tins of soup and I was thinking of jazzing them up with extra veg and buying a crusty baguette on the way home!!
Got any potatos? Soup over chips! Ever had that funny?
Vichyssoise - that'd be interesting over a few chips.
Soup over chips!

That is a new one to me!

The only thing I like on my chips is ketchup!!!

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so now what ?

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