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Snow Report!

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Mr Veritas | 14:58 Sun 01st Feb 2009 | ChatterBank
13 Answers
It's trying (half~heartedly) to snow here (near Hastings).
We were due to go to Gatwick on Tuesday to meet someone off of a flight,I think that might be off.
Is it snowing where you are?


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It has just started to snow in Lewes...
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nothing yet here in Preston but it looks likely now the sun has gone and it is dull and grey.
No, not now.

There have been snow showers in the icy, frozen smoglands of the People's Republic of Teesside, but I think it's tonight into tomorrow that we're going to see the heaviest falls.
Hello Mr Veritas. It's starting to come down a bit heavier now in the centre of Hastings.
Hi - just a few very fine flakes up here in Manchester, ( bit disappointing - hopeing for more :o) )
how many snow post are we going to read today?

for the millionth time. its not snowing in Leeds :oP
Snow report from South Shropshire. Yes, there has been very light snow here this morning, and the temp here is -1C.
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Thanks Jan,
Hopefully it will stay in Silverhill
(sorry) and not move on to us!
judging by the responses here , it is definately moving northwards, looks like we will have snow over this next hour .
Heavy snow here in Sweden, just the usual for this time of year.
you must be mistaken, LiK, the BBC says it's sunny in Lewes today. Though I must admit my friend in Lewes agrees with your diagnosis and is huddling around her PC to keep warm.
i'm live off the A27 and it has been snowing
also gusting -10c .. and the forecast is snow
overnight ..but Mr V the main roads to Gatwick
will be clear as it's on the way to the M25 ...

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Snow Report!

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