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Iain Rennie - do you know when.

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doogied | 22:38 Sun 01st Feb 2009 | Quizzes & Puzzles
5 Answers
I seem to have the same answer to numbers 8 and 17 in this section. Anybody else found this?


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at a push I can find 83 for number 17 but only cos I didnt think even I could change the year for number 8 lol
I can't remember which numbers were involved but when this quiz was first released it was posted that a mistake had been made resulting in two questions in this section having the same answer
thanks I missed that error then
still waiting to hear about the book one
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Thanks smouse and paddywack, i must have missed that earlier posting, have checked the queries page on the fundraising quiz site, but I'm not much clearer on the answer given there!
No I checked there too

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Iain Rennie - do you know when.

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