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crisis at chelsea?

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bobtheturkey | 19:00 Sun 01st Feb 2009 | Sport
10 Answers
very poor today and they have spent bucketloads maybe it is their turn to get some stick in the press?


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who do you support no knowledge?
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oh what would he know about winning football matches then :)
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i still think manure will win it but i hope the press lay off a little now, after all the Liverpool first team have lost one match all season yet arsenal and chelsea who were more favoured to win the league at the start of the season get not one word of criticism
what sort of team will he put out against everton,because you must all be tired after that game today,prem first or fa cup first.
Message to Liverpool's greatest fan: Chelsea have been getting stick in the Press since June 2003, or aren't you interested in what goes on outside Anfield?

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crisis at chelsea?

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