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my Sunday

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afcjan | 21:59 Sun 08th Feb 2009 | ChatterBank
19 Answers
I have had a really lovely day today. My mum and dad came down for dinner and tea, and it was a really nice time. it was a shame about the football but at least they didnt lose.
I am watching dancing on ice now and waiting for the result.

anyway just wanted to tell u and hope u all had a nice Sunday even the sickos and know it alls and the sarcastic few. you know who u are.

night night xxxxxx


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the football was the highlight!
mum and dad came down for dinner and tea

do you keep them in the loft or summat?
Hi Jan :-)
I've had a very lazy day today, haven't even been out the house! lol
Glad you had such a lovely day x
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Night afcjan
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u r so ignorant on knowledge, its a wonder u have any friends..........
Newquay trashed Hayle 5-3... That wasn't great.
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sorry meant arrogant, or maybe I did mean ignorant u decide..
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night afcjan
glad you had a good day.
Night Jan. Glad ya had a good day.

PS - Nono's okay, it's just his sense of humour.
Hi afcjan, it sounds like you had a nice Sunday :P. Unfortunately I've been stuck in and been watching DVDs for most of today then online.

Not my usual Sunday at all, as I'm normally out.
ignorant or arrogant mmmm tricky one jan .
how long have i got to decide?
glad you had a lovely day with your mum and dad you are a lucky girl .nite nite xxx
Question Author
ok will give him one more chance, but he was very rude to me on Friday and I have witnesses.
he is like a similar version of doc spock afcjan
And Cazzz is Docspocks lovechild!LOL
Glad you had a nice Sunday, mine was good too as I got loads of work done :o)

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