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when was the last time you called someone a

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no-knowledge | 21:37 Thu 26th Feb 2009 | ChatterBank
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Feb. 26, 2009 at 2037hrs.
Question Author
sure it wasn't 20:40?
i called someone a thick tw@t earlier does that count?
under my breath... about 5minutes ago!!
I got nonutts.

Does that count?
You're a simpleton!
Just then. lol
i use the term quite often when referring to delivery people, call centre workers and refuse collectors, but they are never quite within earshot, i should try harder
Everyday in school!!!! Sometimes aloud sometimes i n my head. Depends who is in earshot!!!
Chucky - I know I'm rubbish - please don't call me that!!
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omg more hearts


cant say i can remember doing that

maybe someone else can ?

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when was the last time you called someone a

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