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hardest question EVER

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joggerjayne | 20:57 Fri 13th Mar 2009 | ChatterBank
20 Answers
Hardest question EVER ... !!

Okay, here goes ...

If you had a terrible, unfortunate congenital disability ...

... which would mean that ...

(1) Any children of yours would have to forego their childhood to take care of you, and

(2) Your children might inherit, and suffer from, your disability ...

... would you have children ?


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simple answer to a straightforward question

? d t h ?
definately not.
not hard , no i would not!
If I knew about it then no. It would not be fair on them.
dont see whats hard about the question

unless youre selfish and dont care ?

I would choose to not have children
No - if I knew that there were likely to be those sort of problems I could not, in all conscience, have a child
Question Author
I know it's a hard question, but ...

... deep down, do we all feel the same ?

Would you bring a child into the world, knowing that they would have a terrible life?

:::::::::::::::: ::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::
of course not, it would be a very cruel thing to do
Question Author
I feel so confused about this.

I've just seen the family on Comic Relief ...

Both parents have congenital blindness, and other debilitating afflictions.

Their children will spend their childhood taking care of their parents ...

... and then they will go blind (one of them has already).

jayne its not a hard question

noones said yes that ive seen

id say this is one of the easiets questions ive ever answered on here

apart from wnhat colour are your eyes

mind u i loooked in the mirror then

Question Author
But if it was so easy why, when they had their first (doomed) child, did nobody tell them that they were selfish and irresponsible, and tell them not to have any more poor, doomed children ?

Answer ... because anyone who said that would have been called all sorts of horrid names.

The answer is easy ...

... but the question is so difficult, that nobody in a position of authority has the courage to give the answer.

No I wouldn't knowingly do so, however blindness is a debateable thing as i know many people who are blind and live perfectly good happy fulfilled lives, so it is harder I imagine to make that differentiation if you yourself are blind, because you might see your quality of life as fine, wheras it would terrify most of us.
i agree Jane it is a vert difficult position for any person who wishes to be a parent which so many do. ?Besides perhaps they hope they will find a cure. also it would depend on the disability and how depleting it was. Life can be so short for so many yet there are many people with disabilitys who function well in society.
no. Trouble is you dont find out about infirmness till its too late.

It was customary, early 1900s, to have medicals before marrying.
Th children may not inherit the condition and even if they did, medical advances may decrease or remove the consequences of that condition in future years.
I have been watching comic relief and there are young kiddies looking after terribly ill parents who have become ill.
You only have to watch that to see that if you knew that this would be the case, you would not do it.
I would feel awful if my children had to do this for me - not just the humiliation but the guilt that they were missing out on life outside the house.

I agree several posts back with Nox -my cousin and Aunt are both profoundly deaf -they are normal.

We arent in their eyes.

However a close friend of mine has 2 sons and they both have a very rare disease which can only be passed from mother to son -she had no idea she had this gene.She obviously wouldnt swap them for the world but it has made her life very difficult as they degenerate and very hard for the young men as they had 'normality' and saw it slip away just as their peers were marrying and settling down -they cant.Cruel blow.

Its not cut and dried.

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hardest question EVER

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