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Well that's just tough!
String him up by the b*lls!!!!!!!!!!!

Oh, no, sorry, racist morons like that don't have any, do they???
no wonder the BNP is gaining support,
Adam , BNP is gaining support,
After the members list on the web i bet they lose a lot of members ??
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CAJ, I did'nt know your b/f is serving in Iraq. It must be awful for you and very worrying. I dont think you would be alone in gunning for the thing either. When will the powers that be wake up? When PIGS can fly!!
Caj1, I have posted a similar topic in here, I can't believe what some of these COWARD are saying, one has tomatoes rotting ready to throw should there be a soldier parade in "his town" also going to spit in a poppy sellers tin if he sees one in November, I feel sick knowing I share my country with this scum
I've harped on about missing him that much I thought everyone knew lol!

It is very worrying, he is due back next month and I can't wait. I think that's why people like him annoy me so much!
If they don't like the politics here ,
they can go and live in the country of
there choice , but they won't as the system
is so pc for the blacks , i know people who
need rehousing but the asian /black get
priority , the English are now the 2nd class
citizens ..
I know he's away pet and I prayer for his safe return, these are the heroes not 2 bit scum-bags like Choudray
I've seen your similar post Joy11. I thank everyone for their support, it helps me through to know that the true Brits are proud of our forces, The UK has many good people who are loyal and fiercly proud of their country, long may we fight to keep it that way.
Hi Paraffin, love your anecdotes he-he
Thank you Joy x
Your other half is doing the exact opposite to what certain AB "contributors" could (or would) NEVER do, i.e. serve the country which offers them the freedoms which we all so richly enjoy!!!

I had 32 years service to my country and community (NOT that I'm anything special!!!) but it makes my blood boil when I read some of the comments from those who take our democracy totally for granted!

Roll on the day when your b/f and all his mates return safely to their loved ones. Keep your chin up - the vast majority in this country share your hopes and concerns.
God Bless.
I am very proud of him, all who have and are currently doing the same, it takes balls to go somewhere like that and make a difference. Anyone who risks their life for others is someone special paraffin - you included! I think a lot of us share very similar views. Thanks again for all the nice messages, heres to our troops and there safe return!
Morning friends and posters!!!!!
Can I just say as I have in my post, SK News resides in Sweden which by inlarge is a neutral country, he seems a nice person, but his views appear to be that all British are arrogant about their involvement in other countries, I don't feel that way, I don't like our servicemen fighting thousands of miles from these shores any more than all of the decent people on here, SK can't possibly feel the pain of those who have had their loved ones returned to them in a bodybag, they are not there defending the UK but are there to try to stop evil regimes such as the Taliban taking power once more, if that make me arrogant ???????
Dontcha just love it when he says "non-muslims in Britain...."

Non-muslims in Britain??? you offensive batsard.
who exactly are you referring to flip_flop?
Taken from the article in the link in the question.

"He [Anjem Choudary] added: 'Non-Muslims in Britain must appreciate that the actions of the British soldiers must be condemned unreservedly; they are not heroes but closer to cowards who cannot fight, as their uncanny knack for death by "friendly fire" illustrates"

Non-muslims in Britain by far outnumber muslims in Britain, and I found it a bit galling that he referred to "non-muslims in Britain" the way one would expect, for example, a Jodanian to say 'non-mislims in Jordan'.
At the end of the day..fook all is going to happen to people like that

This country is fooked and rotten to the core with filth like him and it`s only going to get worse
ok flip, gotcha! see your point now

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He blames our soldiers???

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