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puddicat | 21:12 Mon 23rd Mar 2009 | ChatterBank
6 Answers
Is in tact !!!


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and talking of tact..... !!
I'm sure it's fine now Puddi, you've aplogised an that's enough. I think maybe velvetee might just not want this whole thing dragged out any longer bearing in mind her loss yesterday.
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ok sara
who is velvet?

why wont you go and apologise?

and i havent posted anything that she didnt post herself.

i suggest black coffee and a lie down

you are demented

and if your thoughts on her thread were indeed sincere you wouldnt have started a 3rd thread about this

and i wouldnt have had to apologise for you

youd have done it yourself

you are beyond belief woman
Can't you just feel all that righteous indignation!!!!

puddicat matey, you are mincemeat, legolard is going to sort you out (probably until 4am)
And gormy will be right behind him

Oh la la

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