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no-knowledge | 23:37 Mon 23rd Mar 2009 | Quizzes & Puzzles
36 Answers
anagram ......baab......... swedish pop band ?????



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mama mia......... here we go again...............

its always the wee ones that turn out tricky
Arab, weren't they hot in the middle east at one time?
was that not' keb ab' you are thinking about, rosella
Beejay, you are so right, it was there at the back of my mind all the time
ok rosetta--sometimes these tricky ones are best left for a wee while as they get you totally flummoxed
Question Author
Mon 23/03/09
22:39 You are joking Abba
why did spitza call me abba?
is it a rude word?
ask dai she/he know the depths that are plumbed here
and why did dai call you-'spot-on'
acne is no joking matter
This quiz doesnt end until mid July, so you are asking much too soon. The kind of question ruins things for everybody else taking part. Have you tried googling this for yourself?
sorry no k--still stuck on this one
will ask a few workmates today
lol @ grasscarp
Question Author
i'v just tried what you suggested grasscarp and this came up. zles/
As I thought no-knowledge, you are not any good at googling.
If you put "BAAB" into google you should have got b.html
The British Acupuncture Accreditation Board
There are also many anagram solver websites that include proper nams.
Only if you have exhausted all these avenues and no sooner than 30th June will we try to help. Rules is rules.
Question Author
But the British Acupuncture Accreditation Board is far to many letters grasscarp!

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