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work done for today

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SLINKYKATE | 17:00 Fri 27th Mar 2009 | ChatterBank
7 Answers
turned on dishwasher,tumble dryer and washing machine,dinners in microwave,god i'm exhausted


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Well, if yer too tired to have yer dinner, gives a yodel !!!
lol best have a lie down.
Don't you know it's Friday???
Wotizzit, anyway? Probably somethin' goppin' !!!
christ kate if I'd done all that in one day I'd be comatose....
feeding the cat &cowtowing to her royal demands does me in,have done some eats for bigs.about to trek across the the hen feild for logs,hope not to get lost!
Don't forget the vacuum cleaning, flicking a switch for heating and making the bed with a duvet. Gosh, wouldn't ouir grannies have been envious.
oh dont strain yourself love here you sit down and ill make us a cuppa then id better have a lie down lol

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work done for today

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