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How odd!

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MWB | 23:55 Sat 28th Mar 2009 | ChatterBank
44 Answers
One minute a thread has ex amount of answers, then the next minute it has less. What's happening there?


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Thanks for the amusing evening Knobby, but i need some sleep. I wish to watch the F1 live. Goodnight....... :-)
Simple babbes you are a moron end of and full stop.

Even half a brain cell whiffey understood that.

So night matey as I have had enough of your moronic ways so please go back to your gutter with the rest of the rats.

I have a certain sort of respect on here for whiffey and I know that he does with me as well even if he shows it in funny ways but people like you babees are sick and sad and you dont belong on here as you are nothing but an outcast from society. and you have proved that many a time on here.

You do make me chuckle Knobby. :-)
Have to leave this fascinating thread as bed and husband beckon. Both mine I hasten to add. Night night.

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How odd!

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