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Cream crackered !!!

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DebsyDoo | 21:20 Tue 31st Mar 2009 | ChatterBank
6 Answers
After takin' nearly all afternoon to fit that damn window board !!
What y'all been up to ?


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I've been to a spa... tough choice though ;o)
had friends round
ffs Debsy..........all afternoon lmfao.
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Nice ! Nanny & Sara !

OK No-Kno ! So I'm no carpenter !!
By the time I shaved a bit off this end, then shaved a bit off the other end (you get the picture !) But it's a nice tight fit !
(the ol' man'll be pleased !)
Plus, it took me nearly as long to clear up the mess from cutting it !
(then I discovered I could've "hooked up" the vaccuum to the jig saw & saved myself a job !!)
Derhut !!
cut the grass second time this year warm and loveley
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Hope you had more luck than I did Jazz !!
(did you put the grass collection box on !!?)

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Cream crackered !!!

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