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Crazycat register another name

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no-knowledge | 21:33 Sat 04th Apr 2009 | ChatterBank
17 Answers
see you in a bit!


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nokno how can she do that - my daughter tried to register on my PC and it wouldn't let her as I only have one email account
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Question Author
easy craft just register a free aol e-mail and get another name on here.
it's blo0dy easy crakt
ooh I've only ever used outlook express but notice I have an MSN mail icon - will that work
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I is here
I've done it - I feel ever so naughty now
hiya crazy
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but I won't hide behind another name - the new name is so obviously me you'll p!ss yourself.....
Hiya Drivel
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yeah must be Craft as she said she was feeling naughty
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yep he is the pc version of grumpy

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Crazycat register another name

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