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serial leavers...........

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no-knowledge | 23:36 Mon 06th Apr 2009 | ChatterBank
15 Answers
i wish they would stick to their word and not come back!


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Who's leaving tonight then???
yeah who.a girlfriend
whos back noknow?

is it dot hawkes the paedophille abuse poster and the one who threatened you and called you a racist?

or am i wrong ? : 0)
C'mon no-know....I wanna know :-)
as long as it isn't you ummmm who cares.
Tell us! tell us!!
No knowledge I had to leave again in the dungeon but didn't threaten no one or nuffin
Awwww make me blush :-)
omg marvelmilk still comin on to ummmm


marvel shes got a gingggger

no way you could win her away from him

ya geek


i ummmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmm
I've always got on with Mr-Marvel Leggy.....

But you're one could drag me away from the ginger.

We can always cyber pretend though.....
someone who posts paedo abuse?

not my idea

thank fk youve got gingeeeee

listen rat boy, i don't want to win her away from her partner, i just like her ok, unlike you i don,t stalk ladies and don't make obscene phone call to them, and what use would an obese little creep like you be to any woman, stick to the men rat boy, tha'ts a good boy.
take no notice of ratboy ummmm, he follows me around AB trying to be funny , but the little fat boy always ends up crying to the ed and trying to get sympathy as a victim off everyone.

why were you banned as marvelman?


for being an abusive poster


leopards spots

etc etc

seems you can take the man outta the gutter


you cant take the gutter outta the marvelman

�?�? did that help ?�?�?
don't forget fat fiddler you were banned at the same time for your filthy abuse, you have been banned more than any other user, i don't think you should talk about being in the gutter fiddler, you are a porn peddler, self confessed, you are no better than than a perv, there is proof about your past life fingers, so if i was you i should keep your mouth shut

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