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Someone cheer me up!

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Barmaid | 14:22 Mon 13th Apr 2009 | ChatterBank
87 Answers
My relationship has ended rather painfully, and I've just brought my cat home from the vets to die. Otherwise the weekend has just been tickety blummin boo!

All funny contributions welcome.


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sorry to hear about your cat barmaid
So sorry to hear about your cat,its so sad when that time comes.
The'll soon get another one !
Chrissy xx
Oh Barmaid , you poor lass , talk about the last straw love .
I'm sure you'll get in to see a doctor as a priority , I hope it will turn out to be good news once it's investigated .
I have pets too and my heart goes out to you as regards your kitty . It's very sad . I doubt anything could actually cheer you up maybe keep you company for a while on here though , there's a lot of good Abers when you're down .
((( hug ))) xxxx
send you a joke
lata barmaid

it will cheer you up
sorry to hear about your sad time tho

wear this to the ball - easy to strip off. If you fancy someone spill your drink on him, give him your phone number (for dry cleaning bill). l
buy a nice red gown and go as lady in red
Want to go halvies on a bottle of the bubbly good stuff and I'll show you my 'I like big butts' dance moves?

I had a lump about a year ago, scared the living daylights out of me but I got it checked and it was all good so hopefully that's a bit comforting.

As to the dying kitty... that's just harsh. I had a cat that got run over and I cried solid for a good two days everytime someone talked to me (always good to see a grown woman burst in to tears when all you've done is ask her to photocopy something!) Truth is, I liked that cat more than I like most people and she was a darn sight smarter and nicer too. It hurts but as grim as it sounds, a cat still isn't a person (no matter how intelligent or nice) so it could be worse.

Chin up lass.

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