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Ice.Maiden | 01:50 Sun 19th Apr 2009 | ChatterBank
20 Answers
Has everyone gone out/gone to bed early tonight? Only ever known one other Saturday night to be as slow as this! : )


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I think that a lot of people are just sick of this place Ice. I'd guess they all have a variety reasons.
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: )
well according to Q&P I'm wandering outside in my nightwear..........haven't seen Stompe, Leggy. Nokno or Knobby for ages.....
i`m up and working so popping in here from time to time, Hello Ice its nice to reply to u.
I'm here.. just!!
Question Author
Lol - hi everyone. Terrible, isn't it. Got imhotep on, plugging away with the music, but this's bad for a Saturday night. How can we liven the place up - nicely, of course!!
Craft - make sure you've got your slippers on. You might tread on a slug. Eeewwww.....
: )
Hya icy my little maiden and I have met an old mate of mine today down the pub that I have posted about that will be coming up in a few mins
I am here....kind of
<<<<drags in a huge box of Lego

Will this do, Ice?
Don't judge a book by its cover dabees
Hi all. :)

BRIZE, what work are you doing?
Hya parsty
well and the slug are going to bed now..(I've seen worse)...night all xx
Question Author
Oh bless, craft!! Lol. Night to you hun - although you're making it even one less now! : )

Pasta - pinch yourself to stay awake.

Oh - well done knobby.

Lore - I was/am useless with Lego!!!! Never mind, might HAVE to have a go with it shortly!
Hiya knobbyyyyy!!

slug.....what slug????.....eeuuwww!
Question Author
I didn't think slugs were "out" yet, but we've had some whoppers on the path. Ever trodden on one accidentally? horrible! feels like you've trodden on a sausage!
I think I'll be off before I end up kneeling on a piece of Lego!!

Hope it brightens up a bit, Ice.

Sleep well all :)
pasta claps hands over ears
Snails are worse. You get the cracking noise AND the squelch.

I feel so sorry for them. :(
Question Author
LOL at pasta!!!!! They sort of crunch...and squelch.....nasty.

Thanks Lore - sleep well hun. x

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