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My head still hurts so much......

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curvybird | 01:56 Thu 23rd Apr 2009 | ChatterBank
4 Answers
I tumbled last week but discharged myself from hospital. Know i don't deserve sympathy, but god I'm in pain, am fed up :o(


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Maybe go see your GP? It seems after a week it shouldn't hurt so much. They'll probably reassure you and maybe give you some stronger painkillers :o)
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Am thinking the same myself Princess, after a week it shouldn't hurt so much, but it does, any noise is too much too, to the point where I want to curl up into a ball and hide . Why ?
get this checked out. Call nhs 24 if your really worried...could be serious! xx
Yeah agree with jadeymodel, call NHS Direct, number is: 0845 4647.

I don't know why the noise is making it worse, do you suffer from migrains at all? It could be coincidence that you're getting your first migraine just after you banged your head, but it's best to get it checked!

I hope you're feeling better soon!

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My head still hurts so much......

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