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What are the little

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MWB | 10:25 Fri 24th Apr 2009 | ChatterBank
38 Answers
things that REALLY annoy you?

Some of mine are,

1: Spoon falling into the bowl or pan.

2: Soap in my eyes.



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Who do 'they' think you are then? I must admit, I'm not on here at nights, so miss (most) of the argybargy & name calling, thankfully.

Annoying little things? Tiny nasal hairs.
I have to admit I am impressed by anyone who can have more than one id on this site. I have enought diffs following threads as me let along following threads as more than one of me. One would have to have a really good memory and be very creative!!
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Salla, there is a user by the user name of KJZ.

Bleated on, back in early April, about a mate being done for shoplifting 18 months ago, then getting caught again. Was asking what sentence she would get.

Maybe the 2 names are too similar?
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I also couldn't be bothered, razzle.
People sitting behind the line waiting to filter at traffic lights only allowing one car through before it goes to red.

Holding the door open for somebody and they just waltz through ignoring you.
mwb It's ot that I couldn't be bothered it's just I dont think it would be healthy to play mental gymnastics such as these. Also I would have to question someones investment in doing so. Like wondering if the questions are authentic or the people are real. It really does not matter. We have a name and some info. the rest we fill in about them ourselves - we make them real and in doing so we make them inauthentic because we make them the product of our imagination. Oh that all hurt my head.
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Exactly, razzle.

What do they get out of it? They can't say to their friends down the pub, "I just got one over on Nom" or "I told craft to bug off."

There is no kudos in CB. It's a fun, tongue in cheek site. Sure it gets a bit nasty at times but by anyone thinking they're smarter, or funnier or quicker then anyone else is pointless.

Tis to shake ones head at.
little things that annoy me.....mmmmmmmmm

1. lazy people
2. selfish people
3. stupid people
'There is no art to show the minds construction in the face.' All we have is a name to go on; now maybe that's a question, hw did we all choose our names and how many did we discard before choosing the 'one'
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I just used the capital letters of a nickname of mine.

Miss Weefton Bear.
I thought it was a Queen song - My White Bicycle.

That's a silly assumption isn't it :-)
I thought My White Bicycle was from Neils Heavy Concept Album. ncept_Album
Whoops - I was getting mixed up with Queen and Nazareth...
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Magnificently wonderous beauty!

What is weefton?????
MWB...bl00dy typical of this starring system....out of 45 posts only one got starred and he replied with ONE word.

I look upon it as an INSULT to be starred.LOL
Err. scuse me... I got *** for amoebae.
sh!t for brains salla?

mwb i hate folk who are full of their own self importance.

People who are dishonest and deceiving by their nature.

What annoys me most tho is betty swallox.

As the year goes on its getting closer to sweaty time .


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