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Bl00dy hell!!!!!!!!

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HillyHugger | 10:15 Mon 27th Apr 2009 | ChatterBank
12 Answers
I'm just going to have to use this name as I've been banned again!!! . WTF is going on with this site , I did nothing against the rules this time , no sick jokes nothing & I wake up & there Billee is gone .I've emailed the Ed & who knows maybe I'll get a reply .

Not a happy camper at all ,

Morning all



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Waiting for a reply from the Ed ... ?

... tumbleweed ...

... ... distant church bell ... ...

... ... ... more tumbleweed ... ... ...

ummmm's gone as well. Sometimes my posts appear but not for about 1/2 hour or so.
I'm a good little I don't get banned:-)
Oh look....I'm back :-)
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Yaaayyyyy !!
You probably mentioned one of the site advertisers, hilly.
Your username wasn't offensive in any way was it Billy?
Hi Billie

Hope you get a result from the ed - seems to be out with the axe and maybe got one wrong, as, i think, you are one of the good guys - i've seen a few of your posts and seems ok to me - if you don't hear soon from the ed - keep e-mailing him!!

and .................

Good luck


more ... ... ...

... ... ... ... ... tumbleweed ... ... ...
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Thanks yogi we will see & no , panic it wasn't offensive .
I did say that legend was OK in my book , so maybe one of the Ed's little helpers has seen red ?

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Bl00dy hell!!!!!!!!

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