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did you know that Fred West

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No,Knowledge | 00:47 Fri 01st May 2009 | ChatterBank
19 Answers
kept the bones from the fingers of his victims?


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legend=steve west-fred wests cousin! aint that right burger boy?

perleeeees no.k - dont mention that name again :(

AND not that woman from the last olympics either - be warned; else I will stalk you!
I didn't till the profiler on Law and order mentioned it.
How do you know that?
No, why did he do that, some sort of collector of trophies?
because even thoiigh they were dead, he still like to think he 'owned' a part of them, according to the profiler on Law and Order.
Killers like to keep trophies of thier victims, so that can go back and relive the moment and feel powerful, I've studied this but what I meant, is how is that a known fact? Has it just been disclosed in the news or something? I'd just never heard that! Pretty sick...
it was in Law and Order tonight princess, on Five US, I assume the character, being the psychological profiler, was supposed to have read about it in his studies, maybe, it was just a line in his script, that's all.
Ew witchcraft, that's even more creepy :oS
google dot that was first 2 links

Sorry dot, I meant a known fact that Fred West kept victims fingers!

I didn't know he had, didn't know it was a well known fact! Oh well, you learn something every day!
evidently ?
Yeah, I kinda don't really make a habit of googling 'Fred West keps fingers of his victims'...
You dont google much .

You have too much time on your hands to google creepy things such as this.

Dance , dance monkey girl : 0)=

Personally I don't think he had anything to do with witchcrcat - satanism, maybe, but then, he was just an evil foul individual anyway.

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did you know that Fred West

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