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Where is everyone?

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MWB | 01:33 Thu 07th May 2009 | ChatterBank
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No, MWB is far to judgemental and is afraid to upset 'certain' users.

Some people take AB too seriously. ITS.A. FORUM.
Well the project was given to him to start before Easter, and I only found it as he returned to school!! It's work that has to be done over a period of weeks, so we're a fortnight behind with it - but catching up well. It's a subject close to my heart, to I'm enjoying it, but things are taking a long time, because of my son's autistic condition. Having said that, we've completed the south American area, and he's done brilliantly.
Are you keeping OK, btw?
Hi again pink! I expect a long em, telling me all the gruesome details!! x
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I give up, princess. You're too exasperating.

I'm gunna cuddle up with some cats in front of the fire & do a crossword. It's chilly today. 1 degree.

Ka kite ano.
Basically, you can't disagree that you kiss certain users behinds. I will rest my case. Night x
Night MWB. x
Hi mwb.
Seee what happens when i take a nite off?

Instead of i see theres some obsessive compulsive on here.
Stirring up trouble.

And yes i get a mention.Well i always do dont i ?

Theres a fine line between dislike and obsession.

Someone on this thread has well and truly tripped over the line and went on their ass.

I didnt half giggle at it tho.


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