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MWB | 13:44 Sat 09th May 2009 | ChatterBank
19 Answers
is the air-speed velocity of an unladen swallow?


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2.4 times the wing speed squared
See^ the resident site buffoon doesn't even have the wit to answer,

"What do you mean, an African or European Swallow?".
Well done jackie fab answer
I presume you've had chance to Google the reference, Pratster ?
Jackie such aggression

is there something wrong with googling answers?

are we to expect you abusing Ethel now too ?

time to step back Jackie

this is an undignified and unwelcome change in both your attitude and behaviour.

we are seeing a different side to you.

both aggressive and tactless , neither of which are good qualities in a woman.
Once more riding to the aid of your mate, knobby. Why do you feel the need to intervene on his behalf ?

Taking a leaf out of your book, legend;
I'll post what I like, when I like and providing I transgress no Site Rules, I really can't see what it has to do with, in particular.

As I obviously possess none of the attributes you would find attractive in a woman........I'll leave it to you to work out quite how devastated I am.

Erm sorry dumbo but I have not googled anything.
That was the first made up thing that came into my head.

So please wipe the egg off your face now.

Jeeeesh what an idiot
As you have admitted that ^^^^^^ was 'the first thing that came into your head, you have agreed that you didn't understand the question................


you really are an irritable little sh*t these days.

you reallly should chill out


you have no idea what kind of woman i may find attractive.

and im sure my likes may match yours on ocassion.

so kindly wind your neck in a stop being so condescending.
sometimes you can actuallly be fun.
sadly thats lessening by the day
^ Jack... I Googled that...
careful snag

shes got the scent of blood : 0)
I'm sure you have little idea of just how much consternation your post has filled me ..........

Please stop the name calling and get back in your box.........

as i said

wind your neck in

put your claws away and go have some chocolate

theres a dear eh ??�
Argueing on the internet - even if you win you're still a loser.
does anyone think leggy and jackie sound like an old married couple.................
Legend - I was originally addressing your mate knobby.............don't quite see why you needed to interpose..........but seeing as you have........

...... get back in your box, mate. There's a good boy. You can come out to play later..........when your friends come to call for you.


jackie cant stay away


if i wanted a dog that barked at me id go buy one.


runa long and have a choccy bar

theres a nice little ladt : 0)
You weren't wanted here in the first place, no if you could just run along and send your mate back in, thanks everso.

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