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There is no wonder you're menkle

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No,Knowledge | 12:14 Sun 10th May 2009 | ChatterBank
5 Answers
my daughter is not to keen on my music.
menkle or what?


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nice try but youre getting closer to some good stuff from that time

try a mix of

the flying lizards money

madness the prince

the beat mirror in the bathroom

the jam eton rifles

the buzzzc0cks ever fallen in love

and a few others might help

your taste seems to fit the bikers. Bikers have gone to cinema to see Startrek - hope that doesn't fit you no.k? Sad or wat?
i was gonna say

add some acdc and maybe some whitesnake too
Question Author
ac/dc are one of the sh*tiest bands ever.

no i never watch star trek or star wars or lord of the ring or harry bleeeeeedin potter . kids stuff.

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There is no wonder you're menkle

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