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noway2 | 01:29 Tue 12th May 2009 | ChatterBank
66 Answers
how did you know my sir name


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Please (for the third time, I think), quit talking about "child nurses": how could they possibly reach up and change an IV drip, and wouldn't they require a two hour nap during their shift?:)
im racist cos i drink black coffee?

i thought at worst shed say i was racist if i drank white coffee

theres no logic in her

shes mad

i think its alcohol

or drugs
I missed that bit of wisdom.....
i think she should be called


Can I make it perfectly clear, that after reading this thread and one or two others tonight, MWB is repeatedly trying to implicate me in some sort of plan to make these comments about Legend.

Legend himself will tell you that I have never been a party to anything like that and never will.

I am no one's mentor MWB, I have no contact with Princess and have no idea who she is or what her motive is.

MWB, stop mentioning my name every few posts you make in the hope that it will make you look like someone clever in Legend's eyes. You are as bad as Princess in the way you are making out I am something I am not.

I have reported this thread for the abuse from both sides of the argument, but I have reported MWB in particular for bringing my name into it, I left the computer at 9pm last night and did other more important things.

Just because many of you have time on your hands it is wrong of you to ridicule and deride people who are not online, you make yourselves look like a gang of witches stirring
Sadly i can neither confirm nor deny what dot haukes says.

In the past dot hawkes has posted on here that i was a wife beater and i abandoned my children.

As for dot haukes , as a relatively new username i will watch and see.

I could hazard a guess?

But i prefer to hold back at this moment in time .

//// did that help ??

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