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MWB | 01:12 Thu 14th May 2009 | ChatterBank
20 Answers
anyone collect anything?

I collect dust bunnys.


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MWB... get yourself a vacuum cleaner ya lazy bu88er...
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Spirited answer there, leggy!

No-kno, papillon are ya?
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But my vacuum cleaner collects too, snags.

Dust. Which is country accent ya know!
i dont feel any sorrow
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Yeah and this is serious....I collect TROLLS pmsl I mean the wee multi colored haired dolls, I have nearly 200 now love them to bits :)
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and heres me thinking you only had nine.corks, no.nickers
I'll have you know I have plenty of knickers. I just don't bother wearing them.
Nice, NoMercy. Nice.
I wear boxers instead, Princesspit.
It's *Princess*
Sorry *Princesspit*
Question Author
Hi princess.

Is it time to clean your collection of Charles & Di wedding commemorative plates?
lol nomerc

i thought those ones i found on my floor were a bit tight round the bollox !!!!
I don't have any Charles and Diana plates.
lmfao at mwb lol

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