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ok , does typing 'i'm crazy'

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No,Knowledge | 18:19 Tue 19th May 2009 | ChatterBank
17 Answers
every 3rd post, actually mean you are crazy?


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Ya, I should think so.
I don't know shall we try it?!
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no rinkinks, i think someone has copyright on that.

she is crazeeey.....................
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No. But more than three exclamations mark after a sentance is never a good sign. Writing in green pen is a bit of a no-no too I hear.
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stop doing then Dev before it's to late.
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excessive exclamation marks do my noggin in......maybe its not a sign of craziness on their part...maybe mine?. :-((
Who's typing they are 'crazy'
Drives me a bit potty as well actually Joby.

Sentence as in That No Knowledge is such a cad!!!!!!!
Precisely Ummmm.
ello noknowly did yoo go too gay bbar
Alternatively... there are other ways rather than exclamation marks to imply craziness.
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i don't need to legover i have got some great mates who will do anything for me.
mates is an comdom innit

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ok , does typing 'i'm crazy'

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