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In the midst of depression, debt, unemployment, re-possessions etc,..

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10ClarionSt | 22:55 Wed 27th May 2009 | ChatterBank
24 Answers
....what is it that can lift the nation? Answer: Manchester Unired losing a football match. A sign of the times we live in. But Barca were miles better than us tonight. No arguments.


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awwww......couldn't have happened to a nicer team..... ;-))
well you have 3 more than droylsden

::::::::::::::: ::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::

when you think of it

if you had none you would still be better than us
cazzz1975, I gree, that it did. After that it was hard to recognise United.

No arguments 10ClarionSt, they were. I couldn't bare to watch the cermony etc.. who won man of the match it had to PiQue (whatever) surely
Filth I think my local team is in something like the Blue Square League ...something like that...

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In the midst of depression, debt, unemployment, re-possessions etc,..

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