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where is the most embarressing place you

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zzxxee | 19:18 Fri 29th May 2009 | ChatterBank
20 Answers
have ever had a wee?


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In a dark allyway in The Wirral at around midnight.
Half way down a very barren volcano in Iceland !! no cover at all just had to sit down and let it flow!!
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steve how shamefull
naomi very immpresive thats a whole lot of peeing
Actually I've just remembered the weeing episode when I was on Safari in Kenya. That was far more embarrassing and I got chased by a warthog!!!
On top of mount teide

It froze
in situ
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mine was when i was 18 very drunk and on a railway platform oh dear
Oh gawd! I knew there was someone lurking around!!!
In my car when I first started this job. I was doing a walk miles away from the office, and there were no toilets (or anywhere else) I could use.

Anyway driving back, I couldn't hold on any longer, and had to let go in the car.
On the way back from Cambridge after playing cricket.
We were ina bus with our special girls ( not slappers) and it was about 11p.m and nearing London when we wanted to pee. We stopped the bus and fumbled our way to the edge of the road with our backs to the bus and started to pee, when round the corner came a car with blazing headlights. In our attempt to hurriedly put away our tackle, we peed all over our tackle and returned to the bus and girlfriends shame faced and smelly.
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lol squad
In a rose bush in the middle of a town centre. Ok, it was midnight and dark, and i thought i was safe....till i looked up and saw the CCTV aiming right at me! I ran all the way home with my knickers practically round my ankles!
The "hedge wee" thread !

We've all had to stop for a hedge wee from time to time.

The gardens of Brighton Pavillion are kind of popular for that.
The ladies wall hung urinal at Gladstone Pottery Museum in Stoke on Trent, it was purely a display item but I missunderstood thinking it was for 'trying out' It wasn't plumbed in and the cctv recorded it all, talk about wanting the earth to open up!!!!!!
tigger decides not to visit the gardens of the Brighton Pavillion after all
LOL @ tiggy

Pru ... if the ground HAD opened up, it would have solved the problem, I suppose ... from a "drainage" point of view.
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have another embaressing story not involeving wee but a number 2 oh the shame

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where is the most embarressing place you

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