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NoMercy | 00:46 Thu 04th Jun 2009 | ChatterBank
58 Answers
Or have you all had enough of CB for one evening?


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That's more or less what my ex says about her, JJ. As a man, he doesn't find her attractive in the slightest, but he is of the opinion that she is an excellent business woman, and not half as dim-witted as she makes herself out to be.
I agree. She's not as stupid as she's been made out to be - although I'm sure that she has the best financial help.
I just think that Pete's too "homely" for her. Got nothing against the woman herself.
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Although he grew up in Australia, he is, to all intent and purposes, Greek (Cypriot). They are far more family orientated than we brits are, on the whole.

Oh boy - the Southern Comfort is really starting to take effect......... :-))))
I don't know if she's attractive or not. I can't decide.

I think she is a bit thick. On that documentary with Peter, they both came across as ESN.

But ...

She sells pics of her t!ts ... and make bundles.

She sells pics of her wedding, her children, her shopping trips, her house ... and makes bundles.

She has tacky clothing lines, dolls, cosmetics contracts ... and she makes bundles.

And she doesn't pretend to be anything else. She's not like a Victoria Beckham, trying to convince the world (and herself) that she's not just a thick wannabee.
And how strange that her Reality prog. is going out same time as BB later tonight, strange that eh??? ;-) Was cancelled last week.
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Good for her, I say. Though I don't necessarily agree with her selling photos of her kiddies. It should be up to them, when they are old enough to make the decision, whether or not they want to have their faces splashed across the papers.

I must say, also, that I would much rather spend an evening in the company of Katie P., than a single hour in the company of VB.
Jacey ... lost me there a bit.

This is "telly off - CD on" time of day.
Yes, I agree with you Nom. I be scared stiff of my kids being kidnapped if I had her money..
But it's tomorrow now........ and I mean tonight..... mogadon kicking in ;-)
Doesn't Katie do any agony-aunt page.
Oh, absolutely, NoMercy ...

VB is a Personality Free Zone

And those VB jeans ... not bad, but they have that huge horrid logo on the back pockets ...

... you pay �250 for a pair of jeans, and just look tacky.
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Sorry guys, got sidetracked by incoming calls.

Jacey - yes, kidnapping must surely be a deterrent to thrusting your children's images into the public domain. I would never ever wish to be famous, and would never subject any children I had to the constant scrutiny of the press.

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JJ - I agree. I cannot see what justification there is for the furore over those jeans. I think as a fashion icon, VB has had her day. She turns up to the school gates trying her utmost to look like Jackie O, but fails miserably. I think she was secretly hoping to conquer America with her unique style, but she is a tad OTT for their taste.
NoMercy ...

To be OTT for American tastes you have to be REALLY tacky.

And ... VB managed it !!
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Quite, JJ !! :-)
Time for beddee, I think.

Ate a magna x x x
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Goodnight, JJ X x x

I think I'll switch off the comp now. x
Night girls. Was inundated with phone calls! x

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